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Peralta Gulch #2

Peralta Gulch #2

SKU: AZ105219308

• Paying in full or Military service? Enjoy 10% off any listed price.

• Interest Free payment plan; put $290.00 down and pay $290.00 monthly until paid in full.

• BLM (Bureau of Land Management) maintenance fee paid directly to BLM, currently $200.00 a year for each claim.

Placer gold can be recovered in desert washes and gulches near the small workings and down slope.   We recovered a fair amount of fines and a few pieces in the one to two gram range near bedrock and from several deep crevices.    

There are several small workings on the claim where the old timers attempted to hit high grade veins and ore zones but they failed to extend the workings deep enough to make a strike. 

There is tons of room for RV parking on or near the claim.  Water can be obtained from two sources, a windmill with a stock tank just across the Hewitt Canyon road at a rancher's corral to the east.  The other water source is Quail Spring up the canyon about three miles to the north. 
This beautiful gold mining claim offers some great opportunities. 
(1)   Prospect and develop the hardrock potential.  With gold hovering in the $1800-$2000 per oz range this claim could easily make one or two prospectors a good living.

(2)  Test with a drywasher or metal detector for hot spots and set up a small placer operation.  

(3)  The east end line of this claim is within a few hundred yards of a giant claim block consisting of over 700 lode claims (about 22 square miles) controlled by a major mining company.  Developing the hard rock potential of this claim may interest them into making an offer to purchase the claim at a price $1000's over our asking price.

(4)  Mine the claim part time  and use it for a staging point to explore and prospect for the Lost Dutchman or one of the Peralta mines in this area. 

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